6 tips for a calm Christmas

It’s supposed to be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. And yes it can be so very magical but Christmas can also be such a stressful time. With the list of things to do just mounting up -  increased family commitments, lots of nights out, parties the children must be taken to, the added expense, work still to do, and all the booze (plus the killer hangovers) to contend with. Arggghh!

So to help you keep your cool this Christmas here are 6 top tips for a calm Christmas.

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mindful monday - festive glitter jar

Create a mindful glitter jar

The glitter jar represents the mind settling. It's a great afternoon activity that your kids can keep coming back to as a mindfulness practice. 

A snow globe or glitter jar is one of the most powerful visual metaphors for the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It illustrates how mindfulness - the cultivation of stillness in the face of swirling chaos of life - affects us. The jar is like our mind, and each colour of glitter represents something different in our mind.

Find out more about how to make and use one here...

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Warming chia latte

Chai latte - is just the perfect drink at this time of year! It ooozes gorgeous festive spices, it's warming, it smells fab while you are making it and tastes even better. Adding frothy milk really makes it for me (and makes it a latte, not just a cup of chai), but you can just add cold milk if you prefer. Best enjoyed snuggled up in a blanket :) Enjoy!

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Pose Guide - Triangle

Triangle is a standing pose we often do in yoga classes, but it is deceptively challenging. Here are some tips so you can reap maximum benefit from your triangle pose practice. As you incorporate these tips into your practice, finding length and strength in your triangle pose, I hope you'll find greater steadiness and ease on the mat overall. 

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Mindful Monday - week three

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”                    Pablo Picasso

The wonderful thing about doodling is that it is a whole brain activity - spontaneous, at times unconscious, self-soothing, satisfying, exploratory, memory-enhancing, and mindful. In essence, doodling (and drawing and painting and making things in general) can be a self-regulating experience as well as a pleasurable road map of thoughts and ideas.

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A weekend breakfast treat - 10-minute breakfast pancakes

Ready for a delicious, healthy, and quick-to-make breakfast? I love pancakes for breakfast, but time is often not on my side! But these are super quick and easy - you do the whole process in a blender. And using a teacup for measuring saves time too. (The pancakes may vary a little from cup to cup but it’s really the ratio that makes this recipe work, so don’t worry).

Since they are sweetened with natural nutrient-rich bananas and maple syrup and use whole grains and nuts instead of flour, you can happily eat these pancakes with gusto. They are filling, healthy and warming - perfect for colder mornings. Yum! 

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Simple Yoga Stretches for Daily De-Stressing

Something I often do is the “3 o’clock stretch.” It’s a time to step away from my desk mid afternoon to do a few simple stretches and recharge. Sitting in one position all day makes my body feel not so great, so some simple yoga stretches are great for loosening tight muscles. Plus my energy often is often waning mid afternoon, and it’s amazing how a little deep breathing and muscle movement can completely reinvent your mood.

Below are a few of my favourite “office-friendly stretches.” They don’t require any special clothing, equipment, or training – just a willingness to take a break from hunching over your desk.

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Mindful Monday - week two

Another monday morning, another Mindful Monday! For this weeks creative mindfulness practice you'll need a pen or pencil, and just five to ten minutes. Perfect for a lovely mindful tea break.  Another monday morning, another Mindful Monday! For this weeks creative mindfulness practice you'll need a pen or pencil, and just five to ten minutes. Perfect for a lovely mindful tea break.  

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Mindful Monday - week one!

So as promised, Mondays are going to be mindful for the next 8 weeks. I'm going to create for you a little creative mindful practice to do each Monday.  

But first things first - what is mindfulness? Here's a nice simple definition:
"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgementally." Jon Kabat-Zinn
Ultimately I like to think of it as being in and enjoying the present moment. Something most of use could do with doing more often.

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Yoga post travel

Whether you have been on a long flight, spend alot of time in the car, or have a long commute by bus or train you’ll know that all that sitting for long periods can cause tension and tightness in the body - in particular back pain, tight hips, stiff shoulders, lack of circulation and swollen feet and legs. Ouch! There is nothing better than yoga as an antidote for too much sitting down, it can really help you stretch, unwind, rest and relax after a long or tense journey.

Here's a yoga sequence to help relieve your post travel body and mind.

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5 tips for better sleep

So many of us would like to be able to sleep better, and we often short change ourselves by not getting enough sleep.  But it’s really important to put sleep at the top of your priorities.  It’s just so important for a healthy and happy life, in fact science has now proved the adequate sleep is vital for many of the body and brains functions. When we don’t sleep well we reduce the body’s innate healing and restoring capabilities.  Preparing the mind and body for sleep is key.

So here’s 5 top tips that I have gathered to aid your journey to the land of nod.

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Happiness Toolkit: The Eye Pillow

Sometimes all it takes is a tiny change to boost your happiness. The simple eye pillow may be one of our most powerful healing tools, especially when it comes to a balanced nervous system. Your vagus nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves that originates in the brain, travels down the back of the neck and into the chest and heart, and then moves down into the abdomen and digestive tract.

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The amazing power of breathing

Western research is now proving what yogis have known all along: Working with the breath can deliver powerful mind and body benefits. Learn how and why to take better advantage of it both in practice and in life.

Your body breathes on autopilot, so why worry about how to inhale and exhale? Well scientific research is showing that mindful breathing - paying attention to your breath and learning how to manipulate it - is one of the most effective ways to lower everyday stress levels and improve a variety of health factors ranging from mood to metabolism.

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Yoga (should be) For All

I call my yoga classes ‘Yoga For All’, but what does this actually mean? Well primarily it’s that I want the yoga that I teach to people to be open to everyone - no matter their age, fitness level, body shape or experience of yoga. I feel that the yoga postures we do should be fitted to individuals bodies, not the other way around. We should find stability and ease in the poses, not be striving too hard or pushing ourselves to achieve some imagined version of a ‘perfect pose’. Everyone’s own version of the pose will look different, and be unique - and that’s how it should be, as we are all unique in our bodies and this changes over time, and even day to day (balance for example can vary day to day, its fluid). This uniqueness should be celebrated, in my opinion.

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3 Mindful Things to Do to Start Your Day

How we wake up in the morning has a fundamental impact on how the rest of the day unfolds. There are a few things we can integrate into our morning routine that can have an immediate impact in supporting us in being more mindful, self-compassionate, connected, and resilient throughout the day.

Set your judgments aside and try these out over the next week as an experiment…allow your experience to be your guide.

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Childs Pose - beauty in simplicity

This is Childs Pose. It's a beautifully simple pose, and it feels great. We often use it as a resting pose in yoga classes, but it's a great stretch for your lower back too and helps you to breathe into the back of the lungs. Also a deeply nourishing pose, it’s very calming, grounding and releasing and it helps you to bring your attention inward. 

There are many different ways you can place the arms and hands, and each one uses your muscles slightly differently. Here I take you through some of the options.

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Getting back to slow yoga

If ever there was a time to slow down your yoga and take your speed of life down a notch or two the summer is it. With the warm weather (fingers crossed!) and long summer days, slowing down and simply drinking it all in can feel just great.

Yoga, before it was transformed in its journey to the West was a breath-centered practice for the wellbeing of the whole person. Something that would provide a vehicle for slowing down and learning to truly take care of ourselves. Something to counter the difficulties encountered in life. But yoga changed when it came to the West.

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