Posts in Meditation
Simple Energy Boosting Meditation

In all of my yoga classes in York starting in January I’m going to be introducing you to some simple but effective meditation techniques. There are so many ways to meditate, you can do it in many different positions, you can use different senses and objects to meditate on - we’re going to explore all of this.

So here as a little aperitif is a simple energy boosting meditation - I thought you might need at this time of year! Have a go and see how you find it. Of course any questions just let me know. And I hope you can join me in my yoga classes from January to explore meditation techniques more.

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Practicing Loving Kindness - for pregnancy and motherhood

The Art of Loving kindness for pregnancy and motherhood

"In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts, that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to converse with our hearts….If we are still, and listen deeply, for even a moment, we will know if we are following a path with heart… "    Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart

In my 'Self-Care Sunday' Facebook live video this week I introduced the practice of loving kindness (if you missed it catch it here I also shared it in one of my pregnancy yoga classes which is a just the most lovely way to connect with your unborn baby. It's such a beautiful practice and I really wanted to write a blog post to share it with as many people as possible and tell you more about it...

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Demystifying Meditation

As a yoga teacher, people often talk to me about meditation and how frustrating it can be, or how bad they feel they are at it. They tell me how much they struggle to stop their thoughts and find that elusive place of complete stillness. Their mind just races away off into a juicy thought, a to-do list, or keeps running over something that happened that day - but all of this is completely normal and natural. Meditation is a practice. It becomes easier with time, as you practice and some days are easier than others - so don't expect it to necessarily straightforward for you when you start, for most people it takes a while. But a little time and effort is really worth it.

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