Practicing Loving Kindness - for pregnancy and motherhood

The Art of Loving kindness for pregnancy and motherhood

"In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts, that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to converse with our hearts….If we are still, and listen deeply, for even a moment, we will know if we are following a path with heart… "    Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart

In my 'Self-Care Sunday' Facebook live video this week I introduced the practice of loving kindness (if you missed it catch it here I also shared it in one of my pregnancy yoga classes which is a just the most lovely way to connect with your unborn baby. It's such a beautiful practice and I really wanted to write a blog post to share it with as many people as possible and tell you more about it...

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Yoga and Fertility - one woman's experience

Yoga and Fertility

I love teaching yoga, I love how yoga benefits people on such a profound level in so many ways - whether it’s physically, mental, energetically or emotionally or often a combination of all of these.  I've seen it happen so many times, it’s so powerful to witness.  But I will never fail to be moved by the kind of feedback I received this week from a woman who attended my Fertility Yoga Course.

I'm grateful that she has allowed me to share this with you and hope her words will encourage anyone reading, who understands what she has experienced, to come and join the next Fertility Yoga course and be part of our supportive group. Here's what she had to say.

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Demystifying Meditation

As a yoga teacher, people often talk to me about meditation and how frustrating it can be, or how bad they feel they are at it. They tell me how much they struggle to stop their thoughts and find that elusive place of complete stillness. Their mind just races away off into a juicy thought, a to-do list, or keeps running over something that happened that day - but all of this is completely normal and natural. Meditation is a practice. It becomes easier with time, as you practice and some days are easier than others - so don't expect it to necessarily straightforward for you when you start, for most people it takes a while. But a little time and effort is really worth it.

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The Mind-Body Fertility Connection

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection

Going through infertility is the ultimate mind-body experience. There are issues we are experiencing with our bodies, and understandably the stress, anxiety and uncertainty weighs very heavy on our minds. As human beings it is our natural default to feel things both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, for most of us it is not our natural default to stay attuned and connected to the mind-body experience in a way that most benefits us.

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Are you lacking in magnesium?

The great magnesium shortage

Right now, less than 70% of women and 40% of men in the UK are getting their fair share of magnesium. If you are suffering from poor sleep, muscle knots and tension, fatigue or even a modicum of stress, not to mention one of the 22 or so magnesium deficiency triggered ailments, it’s time to think about your magnesium intake.

Read more about why magnesium is important, and how you can address any imbalance in easy ways.

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Celebrating Yoga Props

Yoga is a fundamentally accessible activity and can be practiced in a variety of settings and places, and it doesn't require much in the way of specialist equipment. However, there are a number of basic props you can use to help you get the most from yoga. These can also help make some asanas more attainable for those with limited mobility. A good class or studio will have these props available for you to use, but at home you can always use alternative items from around the home (and there's some suggestions below).

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Self care is not selfish

"It is not selfish to refill your own cup, so that you can pour into others. It’s not just a luxury. It is essential.”


This week’s blog post is about self-care, self-love and 10 brilliant things you can do to increase this in your life. As a mother of two, and a yoga teacher who’s whole ethos is about trying to counter the effects of modern life (the busyness, the stress, the multi-tasking) through yoga, I think about think about self-care…. a lot. We do so much to care for the ones we love, our children, family, friends, our wider community. We offer warm embraces, patience, and understanding. We give our energy, our time and our love out freely. We cook nourishing meals, give gifts, and express gratitude. But do we do the same for ourselves? Do we put in the same amount as we give out? Do we take time to recharge, to give back to ourselves?

The answer is usually no.....

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15 Reasons You THINK Can’t Do Yoga - And Why None of Them Are True

15 Reasons You THINK Can’t Do Yoga - -And Why None of Them Are True

There are almost as many great reasons to do yoga as there are yoga poses. Studies are showing what many yogis already know: yoga increases strength and flexibility while decreasing stress. Additionally, yoga has been found to improve our respiration, heart health, and sleep quality. Yoga has also been used successfully as a complementary therapy in the treatment of addiction, chronic pain, and mood disorders.

With evidence of yoga’s benefits mounting, why drag your feet? Don’t let any of the misconceptions below keep you from starting a yoga practice that just might enhance your life! 

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Tips for Better Yoga Balances

Tips for better balance in yoga postures

When I'm teaching, particularly during balancing postures, I sometimes see people getting frustrated when they can't maintain their balance and end up falling over. I absolutely understand, It can be so frustrating when others in the class can balance and you can’t-especially when you could do it last week. But balance really is a strange thing - it can really vary day to day, and some people naturally have better balance (just like some people have curly hair). So don’t get frustrated, be willing to wobble and fall out of the pose with a smile, that’s really what yoga balances can teach you. Remember, being able to stand on one leg for five minutes really won’t change your quality of life! But practice will help to improve your balance, so here are some tips to try when coming into a yoga balance.

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The Hygge - Yoga - Mindfulness connection

Hygge has been brought to us by the Scandinavians, and it’s specifically a Danish concept. The Danes are amongst the happiest nations on the planet, so they must be doing something right! Featured for a while now in the press in interiors and lifestyle magazines, it perhaps brings to mind snuggly woollen blankets, copious soft cushions, and an abundance of candles (the Danes burn more candles per head of population than any other country in Europe apparently).But it’s far more than an uber fashionable fad for fans of Scandinavian design or Scandi noir tv series, it’s actually a part of Danish culture that really puts self-kindness, presence, and space for yourself at its heart, just like yoga and mindfulness does. The similarities are hugely striking. 

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How to be mindful at your desk

“The workplace is constantly demanding and distracting, making it a challenge to remain mindful. Staying centred and focused without being frazzled by the mental noisiness that crowds into a typical workday can be hard, but is important.” Says Dr. Deepak Chopra, co-author of “You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters” and founder of the Jiyo app.

Here are six small ideas to help you keep mindful during the working day:

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Can yoga get you pregnant?

Zita West is one of many fertility experts that recommends yoga to her patients who are having difficulty conceiving. ‘Any exercise that involves mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditative visualisation has many physical, emotional and mental benefits,’ she said, adding that yoga is a calming antidote to any woman consumed by an overwhelming desire for a baby, the resulting stress of which becomes an impediment to conception itself.

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Fertility and food

Fertility - the whole body view

When it comes to trying to conceive there is so much to think about. Being in the best shape both physically and mentally can really help when trying for a baby. That's why in my upcoming course Fertility Yoga course I will be providing you with information from other local experts about how different approaches when trying to conceive can help you - such as acupuncture, reflexology and nutrition.

Here's some really interesting information about food and fertility (in particular sugar). For more information on my six week course Fertility Yoga Course please take a look at the details here.

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6 tips for a calm Christmas

It’s supposed to be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. And yes it can be so very magical but Christmas can also be such a stressful time. With the list of things to do just mounting up -  increased family commitments, lots of nights out, parties the children must be taken to, the added expense, work still to do, and all the booze (plus the killer hangovers) to contend with. Arggghh!

So to help you keep your cool this Christmas here are 6 top tips for a calm Christmas.

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mindful monday - festive glitter jar

Create a mindful glitter jar

The glitter jar represents the mind settling. It's a great afternoon activity that your kids can keep coming back to as a mindfulness practice. 

A snow globe or glitter jar is one of the most powerful visual metaphors for the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It illustrates how mindfulness - the cultivation of stillness in the face of swirling chaos of life - affects us. The jar is like our mind, and each colour of glitter represents something different in our mind.

Find out more about how to make and use one here...

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Warming chia latte

Chai latte - is just the perfect drink at this time of year! It ooozes gorgeous festive spices, it's warming, it smells fab while you are making it and tastes even better. Adding frothy milk really makes it for me (and makes it a latte, not just a cup of chai), but you can just add cold milk if you prefer. Best enjoyed snuggled up in a blanket :) Enjoy!

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