mindful monday - festive glitter jar

mindful monday yoga for modern life

Create a mindful glitter jar

The glitter jar represents the mind settling. It's a great afternoon activity that children can keep coming back to as a mindfulness practice.

Children can tend to act out their difficulties rather than share them in words. We adults are often only marginally better. When words are unavailable, it helps to find other ways to demonstrate the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

A snow globe or glitter jar is one of the most powerful visual metaphors for that connection. It illustrates how mindfulness - the cultivation of stillness in the face of swirling chaos of life - affects us. The jar is like our mind, and each colour of glitter represents something different in our mind.

Here's a printable .pdf of how to make it (click here), and how to use it.

As ever please let me know how you get on.