Posts tagged pregnancy relaxation
Poetry For Pregnancy and Motherhood

Celebrating National Poetry Day 2018, here are some beautiful poems about pregnancy and motherhood. As the great French Obstetrician Michel Odent says, pregnancy should be spent gazing at the stars and reading poetry - so here’s some perfect pieces to read and inspire your wonderful, awesome, powerful women.

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Top Ten Tips for Practising Yoga In Pregnancy

Yoga is an ideal pregnancy exercise - mindful, holistic and gently dynamic. The postures support the body through the various changes of pregnancy and prepare it for childbirth. It's inward focus naturally encourages a deeper connection with your pregnancy and unborn baby and helps you develop the inner awareness and strength that will carry you through the child-birth experience.

Here are some tips on how to make the most of your pregnancy practice:

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A Beautiful Pregnancy Meditation - Connect To Your Hearts Essence

When you are pregnant it's so important to find some time to really connect to yourself, to your heart, to your intuition and to your baby. And to spend some time each day relaxing and just 'being' - enjoying this amazing and special time in your life. Clinical research even shows that taking 15 minutes a day to relax leads to better outcomes from both mum and baby. Read on to discover my FREE online Pregnancy Meditation & Relaxation, for a beautiful way to do this, and have some time for you each day...

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